I think it is really important to go slow with this blog.
To give you time to think about your eco batik, and time to consider finding the things that you need from op shops.
Also the time to consider your best dye plants for the batik purpose.
It is important to collect the right tools, and gather the pots that you can dedicate to wax, as it is not easy to wash out of your good dye pots.
Some of you may want to just rush in and learn by error, and this is OK too. Everybody has their own way of learning. And sharing. And doing.
The main thing is that this blog is a good recourse, and it will eventually have lots of links to other eco batik artists, and suppliers. And it will be useful to us all.
If you have anything you would like to share on this blog, or would like to show us your eco batik work. Please let me know and we will link you to this resource.